Moving Forward
0 ResponsesA little girl should never walk through a river of sewage. Yet there she was, wading in her dirt covered dress through the slush. Instead of playing princess, she wandered aimlessly through the largest slum in Africa, Kibera. Seeing her broke our hearts, but it also called us once again into action. This summer was not Annie and my first time in Kibera, but now when we walked down its dirt streets it was with purpose. God put us on a mission, but he did not ask us to walk the streets alone. In our months abroad God joined us together with people across America, England, New Zealand, South Africa, and Zimbabwe; all for the purpose of helping children, like the one we watched
in the stream, get out of the slums as we work to
provide them with a Christian education.

God has been opening doors for us to build a Christian high school for these children so desperately in need. A high school education offers the pathway to jobs, and the opportunity to escape their world of child prostitution, forced labor, and drugs. We were grateful for your prayers and support that undergirded us as we met with Kenyan principals, the Kenyan Ministry of Education, landowners, contractors, and educators from multiple areas of Africa. We are confident God led us to the right partners: a construction group highly experienced in the building of schools, someone with curriculum building experience, and possible members of a school board.
Daily God brings us closer to providing a school for the children of Kibera. We hope that you will continue to walk beside us with your prayers and financial support as we follow God’s freedom call for Kenyan children together.